Why “The Middle Girls”? The Truth for Women over 50

After 50, I felt… a little empty. I felt…over. I mean, I knew intellectually that wasn’t true, but it’s still how I felt. I wanted it all to mean something.

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Welcome to The Middle Girls Blog

Welcome to a place where women over 50 and better can learn, grow and create the life they always deserved!
We. Are. Not. Done.

Uplifting Song Playlist for Older Women I have always found that music can change my mood around in minutes. Whether it is listening to songs that take me back in time to a special place in my heart, or just music that has an “I can’t help but wanna dance” beat, music can help heal. […]

Need a Lift? Uplifting Song Playlist for Older Women

Self Care

Suddenly, I hated Santa. Depression can feel like an invisible struggle, especially for the millions of women over 50+ facing its challenges. Trust me, I know. I have had a lifelong battle with depression and anxiety. I’ll tell you a little story. I have always been a Christmasaholic. Always. From the time I was a […]

Dealing with Depression At 50+: A Journey of Healing and Resilience

Self Care

25 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Women Over 50+

Summer is creeping up on us, and most of us will let the entire season slip by without having any summer adventures. Just because we are women in our 50s and beyond does not mean that we stop needing excitement and inspiration in our lives. In fact, it’s the exact opposite! Now that we don’t […]

25 Summer Bucket List Ideas for Women 50+: With Printables!

Self Care

As we age, many of us have a hard time dealing with the way our body changes. It seems like no matter what we do, we can’t stop it! I feel the same way every day. But fashion for women over 50+ isn’t the same as it is for younger generations. But it also doesn’t […]

Fashion for Women Over 50+ – How to Dress to Disguise

Style + Beauty

How to Look More Youthful

Women get a bad rap as they age. It had nothing to do with you, your worth, or your beauty. Aged beauty is still beauty! It is all about society and the unrealistic expectations it has for any woman. But especially aging women. The thing is, this toxic culture is changing. It’s evolving. Women over […]

5 Ways to Look More Youthful  (Without Trying to Look 29!)

Style + Beauty

Best mascara for older women

If you are a woman over 50 or better, chances are you aren’t wearing the same makeup brand and formulas that you did in your 20s. When it comes to the best mascara for older women, there are great options. Older women tend to have thinning eyelashes that are more delicate and tolerate less pulling […]

Best Mascara for Older Women

Style + Beauty

Coping with Anxiety

Stressed? Even though this part of your life should be filled with wisdom and grace, it’s important to acknowledge the unique challenges that may come our way. So let’s jump into a topic that resonates with many of us – coping with anxiety. Stress and anxiety can be hard to manage in midlife and beyond. […]

Stressed? Coping with Anxiety for Women Over 50+

Self Care

What are You Eating? Healthy Picks for Women Over 50

What are you eating? So, I am a big believer in the idea that your body is only as healthy as what you put in it. Not that I’m suggesting any food is a miracle cure for anything; it is not. But I know making a habit of certain foods can significantly reduce your risk […]

What Are You Eating? Healthy Picks for Women Over 50

Self Care

Confident Woman Quotes

Words are powerful. Whether those words are spoken just in your own head or sharing them out loud, they make a difference. They can change the actual chemical make-up of your brain, for better or worse. So, use these 25 best confident woman quotes for midlife+ to make some positive, uplifting changes! Way better than […]

25 Best Confident Woman Quotes for Midlife+

Self Care

Low Maintenance Haircuts for Women Over 50

For most women, when they reach 50 or better, finding a hairstyle that looks fresh and updated and not frumpy can be tough. We tend to get stuck with “what’s always worked”. But we don’t want to spend an hour at the mirror anymore fixing our hair. And some of us with chronic pain issues […]

12 Low Maintenance Haircuts for Women Over 50 That are Super Cute!

Style + Beauty