Style + Beauty

Aged Beauty : How to Feel Beautiful Again

February 2, 2024

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If you are a woman 50+ then you have probably felt that feeling and said to yourself at some point… “I just don’t feel beautiful anymore.” Whether it’s an ongoing battle you have with the mirror, or a fleeting moment, the problem is not you. It’s the belief that society ingrained in us that aging does not equal beauty. It’s a mindset that is planted deep in our psyche, and it causes us to say terrible things to ourselves. “Look at what you’ve turned into.” “What happened?” “I’m over the hill.” But here is the thing, aged beauty is still beauty. If you want to know how to feel beautiful aging in your own skin, read on!


Aged Beauty : Why I Don’t Feel Pretty

I think the reason we don’t feel pretty as we pass into midlife and beyond is because we have been tricked. Tricked into believing age and beauty do not go hand in hand. But not all cultures feel the same way. The Japanese have a lovely philosophy that is perfect for the older woman. Called Kintsugi, it is the art of embracing your imperfections to create something stronger and more beautiful than before. In Japan, broken pottery or other objects are often repaired with gold, a precious metal. It is because the imperfection is seen as a unique part of the piece’s history, which only adds to its beauty.

Aged Beauty

Many cultures honor the aging woman, and treat them with respect and reverence. And yes, some have learned that that is what real beauty is.

But the majority of the world is still catching up. But it is catching up! Older female celebrities appear on the red carpet with no makeup. Jamie Lee Curtis coined the phrase “pro aging”.  “Women Over 50” is the fastest-growing niche on the internet.

Our granddaughters will be older one day… What story do you want them to tell themselves? Don’t you deserve the same? Changing the world view of aged beauty is up to us… No one is going to do it for us.

Beauty is truly more than skin deep. It’s your story. It’s in who you are, not what you look like. It’s in your laugh, your wisdom, your journey. Every wrinkle, every change, every imperfection should be filled with gold.

It simply takes creating new beliefs and a new mindset within yourself. And you can. How? I’m glad you asked…🤗

How to Feel Beautiful in Your Own Skin (Again!)

Self-Love Rituals: Start your beauty journey with a hearty dose of self-love. Pamper yourself with skincare routines that feel like a luxurious treat. Take time to nurture your skin, moisturize, and relish in the joy of feeling refreshed. It’s not about erasing the years but celebrating the skin you’re in.

Positive Affirmations: Words have immense power. Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Remind yourself of the incredible journey you’ve been on and the strength you’ve gained. Embrace the wisdom that each passing year brings, and let those affirmations become the soundtrack of your beauty journey.

Aged Beauty

Dress for Joy: Your wardrobe should be a celebration of your unique style. Choose outfits that make you feel fabulous, irrespective of the latest fashion trends. Embrace colors that light up your spirit, and let your clothing reflect the joy that comes from being authentically you.

Stay Active: Physical activity isn’t just about looking good; it’s about feeling good too! Find activities that bring you joy, whether it’s a leisurely stroll, yoga, or dancing like no one’s watching. Staying active not only keeps you fit but also boosts your mood and energy levels.

Radiate Confidence: Confidence is a timeless beauty secret. Stand tall, smile often, and let your inner confidence shine through. Remember, confidence is magnetic and can make you look and feel more beautiful than any beauty product ever could.

Cultivate Friendships: Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people who celebrate your journey. Cultivate meaningful friendships that contribute to your well-being. Laughter, shared stories, and the warmth of friendship can do wonders for your inner glow.

Mindful Eating: Fueling your body with nutritious food is a key aspect of feeling beautiful. Embrace a balanced, mindful approach to eating that nourishes your body and soul. Savor the flavors, and indulge in treats without guilt. It’s all about finding the right balance for you.

Express Your Style: Your style is a reflection of your personality. Experiment with makeup if it brings you joy, but remember, it’s about enhancing your features, not masking them. Express your unique style in a way that makes you feel comfortable and authentic.

So, start looking at beauty in a new way. Become aware of how you talk to yourself. Honor the beauty in who you are. Trust me, confidence and healthy self-esteem are beautiful to everyone around you! Aged beauty is something every woman on this planet will face someday… Let’s lay the groundwork for it to be better for all of us, ok? We deserve that!

Visit the Blog for more articles!

You might want to also check out 7 Habits of Women Who Age Slow at Inspire My Style.

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