I used to wonder why so many women seemed to lose their self-confidence when they passed 50. And then, I became a woman over 50. There is no shortage of social messaging that tells us that once you pass 50, you aren’t attractive, sexy, smart, or relevant anymore. You were programmed from a very young age to believe, on some level, that your looks and your youth were your power. And so when you age and start seeing your body and face change, you feel less. And intellectually, you know that’s B.S. But those lies you’ve been taught rour whole life go very deep. The good news is that you can make several easy mindset shifts to bring back that confidence and feel like the badass woman you are!
The truth? This stage of life can be one of the most empowering and fulfilling—if you shift your mindset.
The way you think about yourself, your age, and your potential determines how you show up in the world.
Rewrite the Rules: Crafting a Life That’s 100% Yours with Mindset Shifts
Here’s the thing. Society’s messaging about women over 50 is just wrong. It was wrong when you were a little girl, it’s wrong now, and it’s wrong for our future generations. But you can make a decision to redefine what your life will mean from here on out. Because no one else has the right to tell you who and what you are.
Ask yourself: What truly brings me joy and fulfillment at this stage of my life? What are the values I want to live the rest of my life by?
Figure that out, and you are on the path to knowing exactly how to use mindset shifts to create the life you want. But with confidence.
Mindset Shift Action Step : Write down five things that define who you want to be, today—without worrying about anyone else’s expectations.
How to Change Your Mindset: Keep Growing, Keep Thriving
A growth mindset means believing you can learn and grow no matter how old you are, what you look like, how much money you have, etc. Those things truly don’t matter. You matter. And you can make changes, even now. Big changes, small changes, it’s up to you. How to change your mindset? A mindset shift is taking old beliefs, maybe ones you have had your whole life, and making a shift. Learning a better way and taking steps to change that belief in your mind.
Science backs this up—our brains continue to form new neural pathways throughout life, meaning we’re always capable of learning new skills.
Real-life example: Julia Child didn’t become a famous chef until her 50s, proving that passion and persistence can lead to success at any stage.
Mindset Shift Action Step: Try something new this week—a hobby, an online course, or even a different way of thinking about a challenge.
Delete the Expiration Date with a Mindset Shift: Your Dreams Are Still Fresh!
There is no better time to try something new than now. You don’t need anyone’s permission (and if you feel you do, here it is!) and you don’t have to give light to that dark voice inside your head that whispers, ” you will look ridiculous.” You are not too old. It is not too late.
Instead of seeing your aging journey as a negative thing, make a mindset shift. Reframe that “it’s too late” thought, to “it’s never too late if I believe I can!” You have experience, resilience, and a perspective that anyone younger can’t possibly bring to the table. Those are gifts. Choose to see them that way.
Real-life inspiration: Vera Wang didn’t design her first dress until she was 40. Ernestine Shepherd became a bodybuilder in her 70s. It’s never too late!
Mindset Shift Action Step: Replace “I’m too old to do this” with “Now is the perfect time” every time self-doubt creeps in.
No Permission Needed: You Are Enough Just as You Are
Most of us have raised families and spent our lives putting others first. Over time, the brain reads that message as “my worth is tied to what I can do for others.” It’s time to take back what’s yours – your self-esteem.
You are worthy just because you are you. You have wondrous gifts that have nothing to do with your spouse, your kids, your career. Make a mindset shift – The next time you start tying your worth to others or seeking others’ approval, remember to listen for that little voice inside you that says ” It’s my time now, I deserve to be taken care of by me as well.” It’s time to water your own garden now girls!
Practical tips: Set small boundaries, say no without guilt, and celebrate your wins as you learn how to change your mindset—even the little ones.
Mindset Shift Action Step: Write down three things you love about yourself that have nothing to do with how others see you.
Fearless & Thriving: Say Yes, Mess Up, and Grow Anyway
Despite what you may have been taught, failure is not a bad thing to be ashamed of. If you haven’t failed, you haven’t tried, and who wants a life where you haven’t tried?
Try this mindset shift – Instead of looking at failure as something to be afraid of, look at it as a stepping stone to whatever it is you want to do. Want to start wearing a whole new style of fashion and you pair pink with red, and halfway through the day think,” what was I thinking?” (For the record, obviously pink can go with red!) Then it’s just one step closer to understanding what style reflects you.
Want to try dancing but realize no matter how hard you try, you just don’t have rhythm? Laugh it off as an adventure and try singing lessons instead!
Examples of small adventures to take:
Travel solo to a new place.
Take a class on something you’ve always wanted to learn.
Start that blog, business, or book you’ve been dreaming about.
Mindset Shift Action Step: Choose one thing you’ve been scared to try and take one small step toward it this week.
Why Focus on the “Can’t” When You Have So Many “Cans”?
When all you think about is the changes you see in the mirror, your changing roles when the kids move away, and your changing body and health, then that will be all you think about. But what about the things you have gained? Resilience to life’s ups and downs, problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence, courage, perspective, and yep, even interesting stories to share.
Mindset Shift: The next time your mind says, “It sucks getting old.” Reframe that to “this can be the best time of my life if I let it!”
Mindset Shift Action Step: Make a list of five things you’re really good at. How can you use these strengths to improve your life or help others?
Ditch the Perfect Act—Joy Looks Better on You
Stop being so damn hard on yourself. Stop talking to yourself in a negative way. You don’t deserve it. Hear that again. You don’t deserve it. I always say, if you wouldn’t say it to your granddaughter, you shouldn’t say it to yourself. You count just as much.
Mindset Shift: When you make a mistake or don’t like something about yourself, say ” I’m learning and growing and I am worth more than how I look or what I do.”
Mindset Shift Action Step: The next time you catch yourself being self-critical, reframe your thoughts with a kinder, more understanding response. Remember learning how to change your mindset takes time.
Sisterhood is the New Superpower—Learning How to Change Your Mindset Together
The people you spend time with can either lift you up or suck the life out of you. Surround yourself with women who celebrate your successes, support your dreams, and encourage your growth. The Middle Girls is a great place to start, as I always have your back! But there are many famous women today speaking out against the toxic attitudes towards aging. Read what they have to say. Spend your time on social media listening to their opinions.
Mindset Shift Action Step: Identify one person who inspires you. Learn more about them and what values and message they are putting out into the world. Don’t be afraid to follow in their footsteps.
Your Story is Your Superpower—Share It Loud & Proud
Every challenge you’ve faced has shaped you into the woman you are today. Don’t let stigma keep you from sharing your story. The more open you can be with other women, the more open they will feel they can be with you. And that’s how you grow. Learning how others have overcome, their thoughts and feelings, how they are walking down a similar path. That’s how you learn how to change your mindset.
Mindset shift: There was a time in the past when women were taught to compete with each other. I guess that was fine as early humans, as we competed for the biggest, strongest male for safety. But now, we can take care of ourselves just fine, thank you very much. The truth is ladies, we are in this together. Support each other and find a foundation. Find your tribe.
Mindset Shift Action Step: Journal about a time when you overcame a challenge. How did it shape you? How could sharing it help someone else?
Finding confidence over 50 isn’t about what you look like, or how old you are. It’s about realizing that you are finally at a time in your life when you matter. You count. You deserve. You rock. You are amazing. Focus on that by making these easy mindset shifts. But it takes practice, it won’t happen overnight. But you didn’t learn how to make those amazing brownies the very first time, or how to grow those gorgeous roses, or how to get your taxes done, or how to navigate social media. It all takes practice.
Are You Ready to Feel Unstoppable? Take This Fun Quiz!
💡 This isn’t just a quiz—it’s a reality check on how you see yourself and your future. Answer honestly and see what your mindset reveals!
Grab a pen and paper (or just keep track in your head). Let’s go!
1. You find a letter in your mailbox. It’s from your future self, five years from now. You open it and see…
A) A list of regrets about things I never tried because I was too scared.
B) Encouragement to keep going—I’ve made progress, but I still second-guess myself.
C) A glowing report of a bold, exciting, fulfilling life that I created on my own terms!
2. You walk into a party where you don’t know anyone. What’s your approach?
A) Find a quiet corner, check my phone, and hope no one talks to me.
B) Smile, make small talk, but secretly feel like I don’t belong.
C) Walk in like I own the place—I know I have something to offer and can make genuine connections!
3. A genie appears and offers to rewind time so you can be 30 again. Your response?
A) Yes, please! I’d fix all my mistakes.
B) Tempting… but I’ve learned so much since then.
C) No way! I love who I am now, and I wouldn’t trade my wisdom for youth.
4. You overhear someone saying, “Women over 50 should just slow down and relax.” Your reaction?
A) Shrug and accept that society doesn’t expect much from us anymore.
B) Roll my eyes but secretly wonder if they’re right.
C) Laugh, then go sign up for a rock-climbing class or start planning my next big adventure!
5. A friend invites you to try something completely outside your comfort zone (think salsa dancing, public speaking, or learning a new language). Your gut reaction?
A) Absolutely not. I’ll embarrass myself.
B) I’ll think about it… maybe next time.
C) Yes! Life’s too short to sit on the sidelines.
6. You’re shopping for clothes and catch your reflection in the mirror. Your first thought is…
A) Ugh. My best days are behind me.
B) I wish I felt more confident, but I try to focus on the positives.
C) Damn, I look good! My body tells a story, and I’m proud of it.
7. You’re about to turn 80, and someone asks, “What’s the most exciting thing you did after 50?” Your answer is…
A) I don’t know… I kind of just coasted through the years.
B) I did a few things outside my comfort zone, but I wish I had taken more risks.
C) So many things! I reinvented myself, took bold chances, and made this the best time of my life!
8. You’re given a magic microphone that lets you broadcast one message to every woman over 50. What do you say?
A) Aging is tough… just try to stay out of the way.
B) You still have time to chase your dreams, but only if you’re brave enough.
C) You are powerful, beautiful, and capable of more than you ever imagined—go make it happen!
Quiz Results
🔴 Mostly A’s – Mindset Makeover Needed!
Right now, you might feel stuck in limiting beliefs about aging, success, and what’s possible for you. But guess what? You’re still in charge of your story! Start by challenging those old thoughts and surrounding yourself with inspiring women who remind you of your worth. After all, the best is yet to come!
🟡 Mostly B’s – You’re on the Edge of Greatness!
You believe in your potential but sometimes let doubt creep in. You’ve taken some steps toward a more confident, bold life, but what’s stopping you from going all in? Push yourself a little further, trust your inner wisdom, and remember: You are capable of more than you think!
🟢 Mostly C’s – You Are an Unstoppable Force!
You’ve embraced the mindset that life after 50 is meant to be lived to the fullest. You challenge outdated beliefs, take risks, and celebrate who you are. Keep being an example to other women—your confidence and courage are contagious!
Which result did you get? Drop your answer in the comments and tell us: What’s one bold thing you’re doing for yourself this year?
Watch for my course Confidence Reboot, coming soon!
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