
Vacation Mode: Travel Time Outs

February 3, 2023

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I'm KAthy!

I’m an online educator, motivational & mindset coach, podcast host and author helping to teach women 50+ how to empower themselves to create their dream life... 


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We all want to travel when we reach middle age, right? Vacation mode, 365? We dream of lounging at an outdoor cafe in Paris with a book and a glass of wine. Laying on the beach under a palm tree in Fiji? Joining every tour in Rome? Or, some variety of that “on vacation” fantasy.

And you CAN do that. That’s one of the things I coach my girls to strive for, plan to do big things.


Vacation Mode: Travel Time Outs


Vacation Mode : We All Need Travel Time Outs

But in the meantime, we all need some places that count as travel time outs. You know, those places you KNOW you love, easy enough to get to from your home town, but far enough to get away from your home town. Short trips.

Cheap enough to be able to manage a trip when things get a little much, but not so cheap it doesn’t FEEL like an escape.

I Need a Vacation…

I urge you all to figure out what those place are for you. For us, we live in Washington state, so we strive for something on the West Coast of the U.S. We love Palm Springs (had a house there for a couple years, but that’s another story) and we love Hawaii. In fact, we got married on a beach in Maui. I was 49. It was amazing, I wore a white fancy dress, and I would do it all over again. Another big dream for me! Being over 50 does not mean anything is too late.  (OK, I was ALMOST 50! Close enough to “Middle Girl” to count!)

We still plan on Greece, and Europe, and Thailand…

But when I need a vacation, these are the places we run when either finances or time or circumstances aren’t allowing a more intensive trip. We can get to both of these places from Seattle pretty quickly, we can get good deals, and they are relaxing for us. Renewing. Travel therapy.

We make sure we go to one of these two places at least twice a year, more if we can. Why?

Because, my girls, we have earned it. And we need it. And we can. We don’t have to worry who is going to take care of the kids, we don’t have to take them with us. We have a little more freedom than we did in our younger years.

Did I mention, we have earned it? 🙂


Travel Therapy for Active Middle Aged Women

Find a place or two that you love, and make it a point to have travel time outs. Maybe it’s just a short trip of a few days. Maybe it’s two weeks. But however and wherever you do it, do vacation mode with enthusiasm and joy. Plan out travel outfits that make you feel confident and relaxed, and practice a few travel photo poses before you go so you can hold onto those memories. (Because you are never going to hide from photos again, right???) Splurge on at least one thing while you are there… A fancy meal, a spa day, or a guided hike. Do nothing but read books and drink wine, or fill your schedule with interesting side trips. Whatever you are into, and whatever you are not, make that your trip. Each time you go, you will build more memories and discover new things about a place that becomes your own special refuge… your hideaway.

(If you have a significant other, consider the pronoun “you” to mean both of you. After all, this will be their travel time out too!)

And if you find at this point in your life that you don’t feel you can afford to travel on vacation at all, but you want to change that? Stick around.

The Middle Girls is all about helping all of us live big dreams.

Looking for some girl time? My friend Karen at Family Travel on a Budget has a great article on planning a Girls’ Getaway Cruise! To the Bahamas! (She said in an excited sing-song voice!) I have a couple of women I love that I can’t wait to get some time away with! This cruise idea is only 4 days, so no need to feel guilty for being away. (you shouldn’t anyway! 🤗)

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I'm Kathy, your new get-a-grip best bud.

I’m an online educator, business, motivational & mindset coach, podcast host and author helping to teach women over 50 how to empower themselves to create the life they always wanted... 

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“It’s time to put an end to the toxic culture about women & aging…
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